Conox® 2D

Two Monitoring Solutions in One Device
Experience the power of dual monitoring with Conox® 2D, the smart anaesthesia monitoring solution that offers two monitoring solutions in one device. Conox® 2D provides real-time monitoring of anaesthesia depth and pain response, helping Anaesthetists to optimise dosage for safer, more efficient surgeries.

Now with Improved & Enhanced Spectrogram Display

  • Flexibility to view the display of the EEG signal and spectrogram in different positions
  • Optional trends in the spectrogram of Spectral Edge Frequencies SEF50 and SEF95
  • Adjustable spectrogram colour scaling to aid with interpretation
Conox® 2D is a non-invasive depth of anaesthesia monitor that helps monitor both adult and paediatric patients in the Operating Room and Intensive Care environments.
  • qNOX: This index provides the patient’s probability of response to noxious stimuli.1,2
  • qCON: This index assesses the patient’s state of conscious when undergoing sedation and general anaesthesia procedures.1
  • Spectrogram: Visually represents EEG signal frequencies over time, showing changes in power across different frequencies.
  • BSR: Burst-Suppression Ratio provides a measure of the percentage of flat EEG observed in a 30 second time frame.
  • EMG: Electromyography Index refers to the facial component of the muscular electrical activity embedded in the EEG recording.
  • SQI: Signal Quality Index represents the quality of the EEG signal and is calculated based on artefacts.
Scroll down for further product information.
IFT270 Conox Data Sheet.pdf
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Conox Data Sheet
30728 Conox Brochure A4 8PP v5.pdf
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Conox Brochure


  • Indices range from 0 to 99.
  • Enhanced Spectrogram view with Spectral Edge Frequency lines.
  • Touchscreen with easy access to the menu.
  • Manual and automatic sensor impedance check every 15 min.
  • Audio and visual advisory alerts for qCON values.
  • Case recording.
  • Case visualisation.
Reliability and stability
  • Fast calculation of patient’s status during intravenous and inhaled anaesthesia.1,3
  • Stable and reliable monitoring, helping anaesthesiologists to reduce the risks associated with anaesthetics.
  • Compact and lightweight design for easy portability.
  • 1.5 hours of battery life.
  • Easy attachment with a 360° pole clamp.
  • Bluetooth® connectivity.
  • Conox connectivity with Android and iOS (ConoxView App).

By clicking on the links below you will leave the Fresenius Kabi website and be directed to the PubMed National Library of Medicine website.

Christenson, Catherine, Pablo Martinez-Vazquez, Max Breidenstein, Borzoo Farhang, Jackson Mathews, Umberto Melia, Erik Weber Jensen, and Donald Mathews. “Comparison of the Conox (QCON) and Sedline (PSI) Depth of Anesthesia Indices to Predict the Hypnotic Effect during Desflurane General Anesthesia with Ketamine.” J Clin Monit Comput 35, 1421–1428, Dec 2021.

Fernández-Candil, J.L., Terradas, S.P., Barriuso, E.V. et al. Predicting unconsciousness after propofol administration: qCON, BIS, and ALPHA band frequency power. J Clin Monit Comput, 35, 723–729, Aug 2021.

Zanner, Robert, Gerhard Schneider, Adrian Meyer, Eberhard Kochs, and Matthias Kreuzer. “Time delay of the qCON monitor and its performance during state transitions.” J Clin Monit Comput, 35, 379–386 Apr 2021.

Sahinovic, Marko M., van den Berg, Johannes P. Colin, Pieter J., Gambus, Pedro L., Jensen, Erik W., Agustí, Mercé; Ferreiro, Teresa; Struys, Michel M. R. F., “Influence of an “Electroencephalogram-Based” Monitor Choice on the Delay Between the Predicted Propofol Effect-Site Concentration and the Measured Drug Effect”, Anesthesia & Analgesia, 131 (4), 1184-1192, Oct 2020.

Wang X, Zhang J, Feng K, Yang Y, Qi W, Martinez-Vazquez P, Zhao G, Wang T. “The effect of hypothermia during cardiopulmonary bypass on three electro-encephalographic indices assessing analgesia and hypnosis during anesthesia: consciousness index, nociception index, and bispectral index.” Perfusion, 35(2), 154-162, Mar 2020.

Ledowski, Thomas, and Isabel Schmitz-Rode. 2020. “Predicting Acute Postoperative Pain by the Qnox Score at the End of Surgery: A Prospective Observational Study.” British Journal of Anesthesia 124 (2), 222–26, Nov 2019.

Müller JN, Kreuzer M, García PS, Schneider G, Hautmann H. “Monitoring depth of sedation: evaluating the agreement between the Bispectral Index, qCON and the Entropy Module’s State Entropy during flexible bronchoscopy”, Minerva Anestesiol 83, 563-73, Jun 2017.

The Conox system is a Depth of Anaesthesia monitor consisting of:
  • Patient Sensor – A disposable, single use array of three Ag/AgCl electrodes.
  • Patient Cable – Reusable cable that connects the Patient Sensor to the Main Unit.
  • Main Unit – A tablet shaped unit containing PCBs and touch screen display. The unit can be attached to a pole clamp.
  • External Power Supply - An external medical grade DC power supply.

qCON index range0 - 99
qNOX index range0 - 99
EMG index range 89 dB
SQI index range0 - 100
BSR index range0 - 100
Indices update rateEvery 1 s
qCON index advisory signal1024 Selectable, high & low limit, audio & visual Hz
qCON / qNOX indices update timeCurrent values correspond to EEG signal down to 20 s, i.e. displayed indices represent a moving average of 20 s of patient data.
Indices trend graphingSelectable, qCON, qNOX, EMG, BSR
Signal representationEEG mode, Spectrogram mode
Lead off detectionContinuous
Sensor impedance checkAutomatic every 15 min or on request via panel button

Monitor main characteristics
Dimensions215 x 150 x 65 mm
Battery3.7 Volts Li-ion battery. Rechargeable
Weight801 g
Display size7” (154.08 x 85.92 mm)
Bluetooth5.0 Dual Mode, selectable, send only, up to 8 m
Patient Cable length3 m

EEG acquisition
EEG resolution44.58 nV
Sampling frequency1024 Hz
Input noise≤2.9 µV peak to valley 
Input signal range+/- 374 mV
Resolution24 bit ADC


GB-CON-2400002 February 2025

Please note: For Healthcare Professional Use Only.


1. E.W. Jensen, J.F. Valencia, A. López, T. Anglada, M. Agustí, Y. Ramos, R. Serra, M. Jospin, P. Pineda and P. Gambús, “Monitoring hypnotic effect and nociception with two EEG-derived indices, qCON and qNOX, during general anesthesia”, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 58(8), 933-941, Sep 2014.

2. U. Melia, E. Gabarrón, M. Agustí, N. Souto, P. Pineda, J. Fontanet, M. Vallverdú, E.W. Jensen and P. Gambús, “Comparison of the qCON and qNOX indices for the assessment of unconsciousness level and noxious stimulation response during surgery”, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 31 (6), 1273-1281, Oct 2016.

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GB-NP-2400163 October 2024