GB-CON-2400002 February 2025
Please note: For Healthcare Professional Use Only.
1. E.W. Jensen, J.F. Valencia, A. López, T. Anglada, M. Agustí, Y. Ramos, R. Serra, M. Jospin, P. Pineda and P. Gambús, “Monitoring hypnotic effect and nociception with two EEG-derived indices, qCON and qNOX, during general anesthesia”, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 58(8), 933-941, Sep 2014.
2. U. Melia, E. Gabarrón, M. Agustí, N. Souto, P. Pineda, J. Fontanet, M. Vallverdú, E.W. Jensen and P. Gambús, “Comparison of the qCON and qNOX indices for the assessment of unconsciousness level and noxious stimulation response during surgery”, Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 31 (6), 1273-1281, Oct 2016.