Intravenózna anestézia (TIVA) s propofolom
je spojená s významne nižším riziko PONV
ako inhalačná anestézia.2
1. SPC Propofol MCT/LCT Fresenius; 2. Zhaosheng Jin, Tong J Gan, and Sergio D Bergese1, Prevention and Treatment of Postoperative
Nausea and Vomiting (PONV): A Review of Current Recommendations and Emerging Therapies; Therapeutics and Clinical Risk
Management 2020:16 1305–1317 1305; doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S256234.
je spojená s významne nižším riziko PONV
ako inhalačná anestézia.2
1. SPC Propofol MCT/LCT Fresenius; 2. Zhaosheng Jin, Tong J Gan, and Sergio D Bergese1, Prevention and Treatment of Postoperative
Nausea and Vomiting (PONV): A Review of Current Recommendations and Emerging Therapies; Therapeutics and Clinical Risk
Management 2020:16 1305–1317 1305; doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S256234.