Thick & Easy® Original

Thick & Easy® Original is a starch-based instant food and beverage thickener which can be used to thicken foods and fluids.

Scroll down for more product information and to download the datacard. 

Data Card.pdf
344 KB
Thick & Easy® Original Data Card


Average content per 100 g
Energy density373 kcal
Energy distribution
Protein​0.4 %​
Fat​0.1 %​
Carbohydrates​99.5 %​
Fibre​0 %​


 IDDSI Level*
Guidelines for use per IDDSI* Level Level 1 Slightly Thick  Level 2 Mildly Thick Level 3 Moderately ThickLevel 4 Extremely Thick
Scoops per 200ml**5 Scoop6 Scoops7 Scoops8 Scoops

*International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) 2019

1 scoop = 1.5g

**Based on water

  • Designed to be added directly to hot and cold foods and drinks.
  • Lactose and gluten-free
  • Modified maize starch and maltodextrin
  • Smaller particles provide easier mixing and a more palatable texture
Shelf life
  • 5 years from the date of manufacture when unopened
  • 3 years once opened, the tin should be resealed and kept in a cool, dry place

  • Thick & Easy® Original is designed to easily thicken foods and fluids for patients who have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).
  • Thick & Easy® Original is a Food for Special Medical Purposes.
  • Thick & Easy® Original is prescribable on FP10/GP10 for thickening of food in dysphagia.


  • For enteral use only.
  • Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.


  • Should only be used under medical supervision.
  • Not suitable as a sole source of nutrition.
  • Intended as a food thickener and as such not intended to contribute significantly to energy intake.

  • Thick & Easy® Original can be added to all hot and cold liquids, and all types of hot or cold pureed foods to develop a thicker consistency and to reduce the risk of aspiration.
  • Thickening liquids: Simply sprinkle the recommended amount of level scoops of powder into 200ml of liquid (see table below) and stir briskly with a whisk or fork until disolved. The liquid will thicken within 1 minute of mixing
  • Thickening pureed food: Add the desired quantity of Thick & Easy® Original and blend until a smooth consistency develops. If the texture becomes thicker than required, simply add a small amount of liquid (water, juice, milk) and re-liquidise
  • Thickening larger quantities: Thick & Easy® Original can be mixed into liquids using a food processor
  • Keep food/liquid refrigerated until ready to use
 IDDSI Levels*
Guidelines for use per 200mlLevel 1 Slightly ThickLevel 2 Mildly ThickLevel 3 Moderately ThickLevel 4 Extremely Thick
Liquids5 Scoops 6 Scoops7 Scoops8 Scoops

1 scoop = 1.5g

*International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) 2019

Thick & Easy® Original
Description Unit SizeOrder Code PIP CodeGMS Code
Thick & Easy® Original tin225g7931333086-328281150

Thick & Easy® Original is available in the following forms:

225g tins: Complete with a measuring scoop and resealable lid.


Job code: IE-T&E-2500001

Date of preparation: January 2025